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Verifiable Results, LLC

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    Author Archives for admin

    Commercial Energy Cost Reduction Consultant

    Five Solid Reasons To Hire A Commercial Energy Cost Reduction Consultant Today

    July 23, 2024 10:43 pm Published by Comments Off on Five Solid Reasons To Hire A Commercial Energy Cost Reduction Consultant Today

    According to the United States Department of Energy (DOE), heating and cooling alone account for almost half of the average energy bill, and this number could be much high in commercial facilities. Not only is this costly, but it takes a considerable toll on the natural environment. All powered devices and appliances are responsible for [...]

    Benefits Of A Carbon Footprint Energy Audit

    June 10, 2024 5:16 pm Published by Comments Off on Benefits Of A Carbon Footprint Energy Audit

    In an era where greenhouse gas emissions are becoming ever more important, a carbon footprint energy audit can provide you with precise details on where you stand with regards to the national average and general company goals. We can provide you with in-depth statistics once the process has been completed. The goal is to offer [...]

    Calculate GHG Emissions Based On The GHG Protocol

    What Is Needed To Calculate GHG Emissions Based On The GHG Protocol

    May 23, 2024 4:03 pm Published by Comments Off on What Is Needed To Calculate GHG Emissions Based On The GHG Protocol

    Calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is crucial for organizations seeking to understand and mitigate their environmental impact. The GHG Protocol provides a standardized framework for measuring and reporting emission. The audit helps businesses, governments, and other entities make informed decisions about sustainability. Today, we present a comprehensive guide on how to calculate GHG emissions based [...]

    Greenhouse Gas Energy Audits

    What Greenhouse Gas Energy Audits Are And Why You Need One

    May 8, 2024 1:18 pm Published by Comments Off on What Greenhouse Gas Energy Audits Are And Why You Need One

    Ambitious global emissions-reduction goals are making it increasingly necessary to track and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout commercial and industrial facilities. Regular greenhouse gas energy audits make it easy for companies to do their part. At Verifiable Results, we help companies learn how to comply with the new greenhouse gas protocol. Implemented and tracked [...]

    Industrial Energy Audit Service

    Tips To Successfully Use An Industrial Energy Audit Service

    April 4, 2024 7:13 pm Published by Comments Off on Tips To Successfully Use An Industrial Energy Audit Service

    Reducing power consumption will help in improving the efficiency of any business. Assessing how much power a company uses allows a company to evaluate its performance. It also makes it possible for the business to adopt the necessary steps to reduce its consumption. Here is how you can ensure that you have a successful evaluation [...]

    Benefits Of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Consultants

    March 1, 2024 7:53 pm Published by Comments Off on Benefits Of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Consultants

    Today’s businesses are focused on managing their energy needs and that includes steps to reduce their carbon footprint. For industrial and commercial customers, greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction consultants aim to introduce ways of managing emissions while keeping you compliant with the relevant environmental standards. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits this approach can [...]

    Use A Greenhouse Gas Energy Audit To Comply With New Protocols

    January 29, 2024 6:42 pm Published by Comments Off on Use A Greenhouse Gas Energy Audit To Comply With New Protocols

    New greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol standards have recently been adopted by the European Union (EU) and are poised for adoption by the United States Security Exchange Commission (SEC). These standards seek to greatly reduce the amount of ozone emissions being introduced into the natural environment by manufacturing and production facilities and countless other companies and [...]

    Three Important Reasons To Hire A Commercial Energy Cost Reduction Consultant Today

    January 3, 2024 8:46 pm Published by Comments Off on Three Important Reasons To Hire A Commercial Energy Cost Reduction Consultant Today

    With industrial facility energy cost reporting, companies can keep a keen eye on their carbon footprints, the health and longevity of their equipment, and their budgets. At Verifiable Results, we’re committed to helping businesses in industrial and commercial industries minimize their impact on the natural environment and save money. That’s why we’re sharing three solid [...]

    How An Industrial Carbon Footprint Audit Drives Positive Change

    November 14, 2023 5:26 pm Published by Comments Off on How An Industrial Carbon Footprint Audit Drives Positive Change

    In the epoch of heightened environmental consciousness and corporate accountability, the significance of an accounting tool looms large as a transformative force for businesses. A comprehensive assessment transcends the measurements to serve as a dynamic instrument that unveils the intricate tapestry of a company’s greenhouse gas emissions. Beyond regulatory compliance, Industrial Carbon Footprint Audit becomes [...]

    Benefits Of Carbon Footprint (GHG) Energy Audit For Your Business

    November 10, 2023 7:26 pm Published by Comments Off on Benefits Of Carbon Footprint (GHG) Energy Audit For Your Business

    Is environmental sustainability and electrical efficiency important to you? Most businesses are looking for ways to operate in a more environmentally responsible way. This can be achieved by undertaking a carbon footprint (GHG) energy audit. Below we discuss why it’s worth doing. Boost efficiency Our evaluations will help you assess electricity consumption patterns in your [...]

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