Save Money And Improve Your Image With A Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Consultant
Green house gas reporting and new greenhouse gas regulations are major concerns among many modern businesses. Making a concerted effort to lower your company’s carbon footprint protects the natural environment, cuts costs, and reduces your risks of fines and other heavy penalties. At Verifiable Results, we work with businesses as compliance partners. With our help in improving efficiency, you can enjoy better returns and boost your commercial reputation. Read on to explore the many impressive benefits of working with a trusted greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction consultant.
Learn how to measure and reduce your grey emissions. Our carbon footprint (GHG) energy audits are all-encompassing. The resulting reports account for the GHGs produced due to direct combustion. They also account for the hidden GHGs that result from powering high-demand electrical appliances. Although touted as clean energy, electricity has its own carbon footprint. After all, much electricity is still produced by burning fossil fuels.
Our team can help you determine which upgrades and improvements will provide the greatest gains right now. This is known as beneficial electrification. We can assess whether switching to a heat pump or electrifying your water heating is the best choice. This way, you can divert your funds towards projects that help you rapidly comply without hurting yourself financially.
We help companies stay up to date with mandatory greenhouse gas reporting as well. With just a quick, hassle-free assessment, you can appease regulatory authorities and make sure that you’re on par with the most current regulatory standards. GHG reporting also helps companies identify areas that are in need of immediate improvement that might otherwise go overlooked. For instance, even if you have fully compliant heating equipment, it may no longer perform as it should.
Our audits, assistance, and reporting also give companies more time and greater peace of mind. This way, businesses can spend more of their time and energy meeting the needs of their customers and focusing on their core functionality. To learn more about the benefits of working with Verifiable Results or schedule an appointment, give us a call now!